18 min read

Signs You're Ready to Sell Your Power Washing Business

Your power washing business is more than just your job or your career. It's your life, your legacy - the result of years of mental, physical, and emotional labor. Your business is a part of who you are and why you get up in the morning. 

But there comes a time for every business owner when it's time to make a change. Maybe it's retirement or maybe the business is ready to go to the next level and you need outside help.  Knowing when and how to sell your power washing business is difficult. As with any difficult business decision, there are many factors to consider carefully. The decision will come down to questions like:  

  • Are you personally ready to sell? 
  • Is your business ready to sell?
  • What kind of buyer or investor are you looking for?
  • How do you value your business?
  • How do you sell your business?  What are the steps?

There are also questions that are specific to the power washing industry - like are there headwinds or tailwinds in the power washing industry, and do buyers find the power washing attractive?

The answers to questions like these will guide you in selling your business and having a good outcome.  It's a mix of personal, business, and market factors.  You want to look back and feel happy with the decision you made.  When you decide to sell your business, you can't un-do it.  If you're ready to think through your exit strategy - let's dig into these key questions and how they apply to your power-washing business.

When You're Personally Ready to Sell

Every business - even within the power washing industry - is different, and every business owner is different.  There are many personal reasons you might want to sell your business or part of your business. Reasons range from:

  • Wanting to see your business grow and expand beyond your resources
  • Considering retirement 
  • Facing health issues or other personal issues
  • Feeling burned out or interested in a new opportunity

These personal reasons are just that: personal. They'll vary from business owner to business owner and are always influenced by many factors, including family members, friends, and employees.  They are important to consider as you think through your next steps and whether you're ready to sell.  You want to do what's best for your business, but you also want to do what's best for you personally and for your family.  You are in control, and you can decide when the timing is right.  You should also think through what you would want to do after you sell your power washing business - would you want to stay on board in some capacity or simply transition out of the business and the power washing industry?

When Your Power Washing Business is Ready to Sell

You might be ready to sell - but is your business?  It's important to determine whether your business is well-positioned to take to the market.  You want it to be appealing to power washing industry buyers and investors to increase the valuation and improve the odds of getting a deal done.  Here are a few important considerations: 

  • Is your top-line revenue growing, flat, or declining?
  • Do you have healthy profit margins?  How do your margins compare to others in the power washing industry if you were benchmarked?
  • Do you have a strong management team in place that could take over if you stepped away from the business?
  • Are your financials clean and ready to present to potential buyers?
  • Is the power washing market growing or declining?  What are the growth opportunities in the power washing industry?

By getting your business ready to sell, you're positioning yourself for success in the deal process, and you're creating value.  If your business isn't ready to sell and you go to market anyway - you're destroying value.  You may not have a choice, but if you have a choice, you only want to sell when your business is ready.

Taking It to the Next Level

In some situations, business owners feel like their company can do more with additional capital or resources.  You've done the math and know exactly how to capitalize on a growing market, but you aren't ready or able to make that jump yourself.  For example, the next evolution of your business may require more funding than you're willing to invest or borrow from a lender.

If your business needs new partners to fuel growth, you should spend some time putting together the business case to help investors see your vision.  How much capital do you need?  How would you use that capital?  How much growth would their investment generate?  What other resources do you need?  You might want to open a new branch location.  You might want to hire new employees or invest in new equipment.  Whatever your expansion requires, it's important to put together a clear plan with defined metrics for success. 

It's also important to think through what your personal role would be in the next phase of growth.  Would you want to remain in charge - or would you like to transition to a new executive to grow the business, which might be important if the next phase of growth requires a skillset beyond your capabilities or interests.  New ownership or investors can help inject new capital and new energy into your business, but you want to be able to point them in the right direction.  A carefully thought-out plan will make it easier to attract investors and align everyone.

What Kind of Buyer Are You Looking For?

There are many different types of business buyers who might be interested in the power washing industry, and they all approach deals differently.  Here are a few common ones to familiarize yourself with: 

  • Strategic acquirers
  • Private equity firms
  • Search Funds and individual investors
  • Family offices

Each of these types of buyers has different investment objectives, timelines, and strategies.  Some strategic acquirers, for example, may want to re-brand your business on Day 1.  Does that matter to you?  Some Private equity firms may ask you to "roll over" equity into their deal, meaning you still have money invested in the business under their control.  Does that appeal to you as a way to get a "2nd bite at the apple" and benefit from their investment or do you see that as un-appealing?  Family offices tend to have longer investment time horizons and hold times with a slower pace - do you think that benefits your business or not?  

With each type of buyer, you'll have to consider your priorities and what you're looking to get out of the deal.  Here's a framework and exercise that might be helpful.  Rank these in order of importance to you:

  • Top dollar (highest valuation for your power washing business)
  • Certainty of closing a deal (likelihood they'll get a deal done on the timeline agreed to)
  • Cultural fit (alignment on values, priorities, and personalities)
  • Deal structure (is there a roll-over component? An earn-out?  Seller financing?  Escrows?)

Here's a scenario to help clarify: the highest offer you get is from a buyer who you think won't be a good fit for your power washing business.  Do you take the offer, or do you take a lower amount from a buyer who you think is a better fit and would protect your legacy better?

As you start talking with potential acquirers, you can interview them as much as they're interviewing you.  Ask them about their approach - what would they plan on doing on Day 1?  Ask them about how they typically structure their deals, and what role business owners usually play post-acquisition.  The more questions you ask, the more you'll understand the way they look at your business, and if you're ready for them to buy your business.

  • Investment thesis - why are they interested in your company?  Why the power washing industry?
  • Sources of funds and investment objectives - do they have funding in place, and what does a "win" look like for them?
  • Track Record - what's their reputation?  Have they had investments that were successful for all stakeholders?
  • Certainty of closing - what's the likelihood they're going to close the deal and not waste your time?
  • What's their culture - what do they prioritize as people and as buyers?

You should also ask to spend some time together in-person with the buyers.  Get to know them as people.  See for yourself how they operate, what they care about and prioritize, and how they approach other people.  Are they respectful to the wait staff at the restaurant or jerks?  Do they get the most expensive bottle of wine or drink a local beer?  What is their definition of personal success?  

Finding the right buyer comes down to a key question: are they a good match for you and your company? 

How to Value Your Power Washing Business?

When you're thinking about selling your power washing business, valuation is top of mind, and for good reason - for many business owners, the majority of their net worth is tied up in the value of their businesses.  How much your business is worth is a difficult question to answer – because the truth is that the value of a business depends on a large number of variables that are changing constantly.  Many business owners say that they'd be ready to sell "for the right price," but what does that mean?

Let's start by defining the "valuation" of your business.  For our purposes, it’s not what the business is worth to you – because of the lifestyle it gives you, the company car, the perks, or the cash it generates for you, or the prestige. It’s also not what you think the business could sell for based on something you heard at an industry conference or what someone told you while you played golf at the country club. Too many owners make the mistake of thinking they can sell their business for the same multiple or valuation that someone else got for their business. This is a dangerous assumption that often leads to disappointment when confronted with reality: every business is different and valuations vary significantly, even within the same industry. Don’t fall into the “country club” valuation trap.

So what is the definition of "valuation" then?  There are technical definitions of “fair market value” that are sometimes used by accountants, financial professionals, the IRS, and valuation experts. These more technical valuations can be calculated using several different complex methodologies. These methodologies include income-based approaches, market-based approaches, and asset-based approaches, which all generally involve analyzing financial statements, conducting market research, assessing comparable transactions, and determining appropriate valuation multiples. Even these more technical approaches to valuation are still very subjective.  Let’s keep it simple: let’s think of value as what someone else will pay for your business right now. 

The best way to get a valuation of your business, is to have a buyer make you a real offer.  Short of that, you can look for indicators in the market and advisors to help you at least get a potential valuation range.

Understanding acquisition activity in the power washing industry and in your local market can also help give you a sense for if valuations are trending higher or lower.  Right now, for example, Private Equity buyers are very active and becoming more active, driving up valuations in many of their target industries.  Many advisors are expecting to see another uptick in investment as well as private equity mergers and acquisitions in the near future.  This type of activity in the marketplace creates higher valuations due to competition for deals and great exit opportunities for business owners. 

How to Sell Your Business

At DealPoint, we know what it's like to sell your business. That's because, as business owners ourselves, we've done it before.  Our deal advisors know what it takes to get a deal done.  It's a time-consuming process that can be a stressful, emotional roller-coaster from initial buyer meetings through due diligence.  You want to be able to look back and not only be happy with the decision you made - but also with the decision-making process.  

We'd be happy to help you how we can with this process.  Most importantly, as a buy-side broker, we want to help you find the right buyer for your power washing business. Email us to get more info.  Info@DealPoint.com

Market Update: State of the Power Washing Industry

We also thought it might be useful to include a "State of the Power Washing Industry" snapshot for your reference as you're thinking about selling your power washing business.

The power washing industry is a vital component of property maintenance, offering services that range from removing dirt and grime to restoring surfaces across residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. As property owners increasingly prioritize cleanliness, aesthetics, and preventive maintenance, the demand for professional power washing services continues to grow, fueling the expansion and evolution of the industry.

Key Drivers for Growth of the Power Washing Industry

Several factors are propelling the growth of the power washing industry:

Increasing Focus on Property Maintenance:

  • Property owners are becoming more proactive in maintaining their properties, recognizing that regular cleaning and upkeep not only enhance curb appeal but also extend the lifespan of surfaces.

Rising Demand in Commercial and Industrial Sectors:

  • Businesses and industrial facilities require regular power washing to maintain clean and hygienic environments, comply with health and safety regulations, and project a professional image to clients and stakeholders.

Growing Awareness of Environmental Benefits:

  • With increasing environmental consciousness, there's a shift towards eco-friendly power washing practices, such as using biodegradable detergents and water recycling systems, which appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.

Seasonal Demand and Weather Patterns:

  • Seasonal variations in weather conditions drive spikes in demand for power washing services, with spring and summer being particularly busy periods as property owners undertake cleaning and maintenance projects.

Advancements in Technology and Equipment:

  • Technological advancements in power washing equipment, such as high-efficiency pressure washers and advanced cleaning solutions, improve efficiency, effectiveness, and safety, driving demand for professional services.

State of M&A in the Power Washing Industry

The power washing industry is witnessing notable activity in mergers and acquisitions:

Consolidation of Regional Players:

  • Larger power washing companies are acquiring smaller regional operators to expand their market presence, enter new territories, and achieve economies of scale in operations and marketing.

Integration with Related Services:

  • M&A activities often involve integrating power washing companies with related services like window cleaning, gutter maintenance, and landscaping to offer comprehensive property maintenance solutions to customers.

Franchise Growth and Expansion:

  • Franchise networks are actively acquiring independent operators to grow their network, increase brand visibility, and leverage operational resources to enhance service quality and market share.

Considerations for Valuation of Companies in the Power Washing Industry

Valuing a power washing company involves assessing various factors:

Revenue Streams and Client Base:

  • Diverse revenue streams, long-term contracts, and a loyal client base contribute to a higher valuation by demonstrating revenue stability and growth potential.

Equipment and Technology Investments:

  • Investments in modern equipment, technology, and training enhance operational efficiency, service quality, and differentiation from competitors, influencing valuation positively.

Brand Reputation and Customer Satisfaction:

  • A strong brand reputation, positive customer reviews, and referrals reflect customer satisfaction and trust, adding value to the business through enhanced market positioning.

Operational Efficiency and Scalability:

  • Efficient operational processes, streamlined workflows, and scalability contribute to a higher valuation by demonstrating the company's ability to handle larger projects and expand into new markets.

Regulatory Compliance and Sustainability Practices:

  • Compliance with regulations and adoption of sustainable practices demonstrate corporate responsibility and risk management, positively impacting valuation and investor confidence.

Reasons to Consider Selling a Power Washing Business Now

Several factors indicate that now could be an opportune time to sell a power washing business:

  • High Demand and Growth Potential: The increasing demand for power washing services, coupled with the industry's growth potential, makes it an attractive time to capitalize on market demand and achieve a favorable valuation.
  • Market Consolidation Opportunities: With ongoing consolidation in the industry, there may be acquisition interest from larger companies or franchise networks looking to expand their market presence, presenting opportunities for sellers to maximize value through strategic partnerships or acquisitions.
  • Technological Advancements: Businesses that have embraced technological advancements and modern equipment are perceived as more valuable in the market, making it an advantageous time to sell for those who have invested in such upgrades.
  • Shift Towards Eco-Friendly Practices: As environmental consciousness rises, power washing businesses that prioritize sustainability and eco-friendly practices may attract higher valuations from environmentally conscious buyers.
  • Strategic Exit Planning: For owners considering retirement or pursuing other ventures, current market conditions offer an opportune time to explore strategic exits, ensuring a smooth transition while maximizing returns on investment.

In conclusion, the power washing industry is experiencing significant growth driven by increasing demand for property maintenance, rising awareness of environmental benefits, and advancements in technology. Mergers and acquisitions are reshaping the landscape, presenting consolidation opportunities and strategic partnerships. Valuation considerations include revenue streams, equipment investments, brand reputation, operational efficiency, and sustainability practices. With the current market conditions favoring growth and consolidation, now is an opportune time for owners to consider selling their power-washing businesses to maximize value, capitalize on market demand, and pursue strategic exits.