The Future of Your Business

When you're ready to sell your business, we can connect you to the right Investment Partners.


How We Work with Business Owners

We talk with business owners about their goals - for their businesses and for themselves.

If they're interested in discussing what a deal would look like, we see if they're a good fit for one of our Investment Partners. This usually involves discussing specific business criteria that these investors are looking for - ranging from revenue and EBITDA to industry and geography.

We are matchmakers and dealmakers.

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How does DealPoint get paid?

We are "buy side" M&A Brokers who are paid to source deals for a select group of private equity firms, venture capital firms, and family offices. We are paid by the Investment Partners we represent, typically through a "success fee" if and when a deal we find for them successfully closes. In some cases, Investment Partners may also pay us a retainer.

We also invest or co-invest in select deals. We're successful when the companies are successful, aligning our incentives.

We are not traditional "sell side" business brokers who represent and market businesses that are for sale on listing websites. We do not provide valuations to business owners or collect retainers directly from business owners.

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What kinds of Owners do we look for?

We look for business owners who are at an inflection point. 

  • Owners are considering retirement
  • Owners who need investment capital to fuel growth
  • Owners who are ready to exit the business for personal, professional, or financial reasons
  • Owners who want to take some chips off of the table but remain involved in the business

We help talk through these inflection points with business owners (we've been there). When the time is right, we help coordinate the deal process.

Our Proprietary Process

Here is an overview of our process. It's simple and transparent

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    Step 1: Private Call or Meeting with us
    We want to understand your goals and questions when it comes to selling your business. We're happy to share our personal stories and M&A experiences and will keep this call or meeting short, casual, and introductory. The goal is to get to know each other.
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    Step 2: Confidential Review
    We can sign an NDA to protect your confidential information and will review key information to see if your business is a good fit. For specific industries, we can provide you benchmarks to help you identify strengths and areas of improvement. We can also share our list of industry-specific Investment Partners with you.
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    Step 3: Outreach to Investment Partners
    When you and your business are ready, we'll talk with our selected Investment Partners and give them a snapshot overview of your business. This can be "blinded" if requested so that the name of your business remains private.
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    Step 4: Deal Meetings with Investment Partners
    We will help set up calls, Zooms, or meetings with the Investment Partners who are interested in learning more about your business. The goal is to get a conversation going that may or may not lead to a Letter of Intent (L.O.I.) or deal.
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    Step 5: Deal Coordination
    If everyone decides to pursue a deal together and an L.O.I. is signed, we'll help coordinate parts of the deal process. We will work hard to help the deal reach the finish line.

If you're interested in talking with us about your business - get in touch!