Deal Sourcing

We can help you find your next proprietary deal.

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Experts in Deal Origination

We source deals for a limited number of private equity firms, VC firms, and family offices. 

We specialize in sourcing off-market deals in the $5M - $250M revenue range - Main St. to Middle-Market. We work with investors with $100M AUM to $2B+ in AUM.

We can help you find your next great portfolio company.

Buy-side Acquisition Services

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    Thesis Development
    We provide market research services to define investment search criteria, outline clear objectives for the investment thesis, and develop a strategic approach to the target market.
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    Platform Deal Sourcing
    Using a private outreach process, we develop key relationships in the target market, leading to platform acquisition opportunities. We are an extension of your deal team, helping you find the right entry point or platform-scale deal.
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    Add-on Deal Sourcing and Screening
    Our database and technology driven deal sourcing and screening process generates significant deal flow for add-on acquisitions, supporting your M&A strategy while saving your deal team time on smaller deals.

What we’re looking for in Investment Partners:

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    Strong Capabilities
    Secured funding in place for deal size, deal team who can execute due diligence, and an operating team with ability to support portfolio companies.
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    Clear Vision
    Clear investment criteria with a commitment to the business category and/or a clear competitive advantage in the business category.
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    Proven Reputation
    Track record of successfully closing deals, successfully managing businesses, and producing successful results for all stakeholders, including investors.

Our Proprietary Process

If you're interested in talking with us about sourcing deals - get in touch!